Fun Activities To Do With Your Elderly Loved One
Keeping your elderly loved ones stimulated is crucial to their physical, mental, and emotional health. People in general need to maintain a good level of engaging activities. This can boost general feelings of productivity and lessen the feelings of depression, frustration, and anxiety. Coming up with ideas can be challenging, but here are some suggestions to get you started!
When considering activities for your loved ones, you’ll want to keep these in mind:
Make them feel motivated and engaged
Create feelings of being productive
Include others and make it a social event. This allows your loved one to feeling emotional and physically connected!
Try to trigger positive memories. Ask questions and allow them to speak freely.
Get Active
If the weather is nice, get your loved one outside! There are so many thingsyou can do in the outdoors. Just being in the sun for a bit (or shade if they prefer) and smelling the air or feeling the wind on their skin can help ease anxiety and feelings of frustration. It can also help to promote better sleep.
Here are some other fun and engaging activities you can get them into:
Watch a local sporting event
Go shopping
Take them to an art museum
Sit or walk around in a park
Take them to their favorite restaurant or to get a special treat like ice cream
Our Vancouver Senior Home understands the needs of our residents in this regard and we’re always ready to provide an array of activities for any need.
Get Crafty
Let’s be honest, not all of us feel the most artistic. But you never know until you try! There are a host of activities to introduce in your loved one’s life (and you don’t have to be perfect at it to have fun). Try some of these crafty activities:
Make holiday cards
Do a puzzle
Knit or crochet
Make a scrapbook
All these activities can open a world of memories and emotions. Ask questions and watch their level of enjoyment.
Let’s Sing!
Singing can help the elderly feel more relaxed and let in happy emotion This can relieve stress and even reduce the perception of pain and depression. It is also good physiologically. Singing, humming, and whistling are considered great cardiovascular activities. There’s no doubt that music has so many benefits and is especially impactful for seniors suffering from Alzheimer’s or dementia.
Tidy Up
It’s also important for our loved ones to feel accomplished and productive. Tidying up their own surroundings gives them a sense of purpose. Ask them to do simple tasks like:
Wiping the table
Washing and drying the dishes
Watering the plants
Try, Try and Try Again
If at first, you don’t succeed then try again. Sometimes your loved one may not want to engage. Don’t push too hard but encourage them to try new things. If there is any sign of frustration or agitation, stop the activity and switch gears. Listen to them and ask questions about their interests or needs.
Make it a Habit
Make these activities a habit for the elderly individuals in your life. People with dementia especially thrive on familiarity and routine. Setting up a time for activity on a consistent basis helps your loved one feel calm and comforted. Maybe go for ice cream on Tuesday’s or listening to music at 2 pm. Mark these times on a calendar and place it somewhere they can see it.
These activities can be done at your home, their home, or in an assisted living facility.
We help your loved one THRIVE in their old age!
Contact Magnolia Gardens senior care today for more information about our assisted living home in Vancouver.